

Easy Does It, Mom (parenting in recovery)

Easy Does It, Mom (parenting in recovery)

A profoundly compassionate and useful title for moms in recovery, Easy Does It, Mom provides practical information and tools any mother can implement immediately.
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A support group in a book... "Easy Does It, Mom is a refreshing balance that blends recovery needs with the desire to be a good mom. Understanding that desire alone does not make one a good mom, Barbara Joy provides practical information and tools that any mother can implement immediately. The educational information is personalized with practical 'how to's' on parenting while incorporating the H.O.W (honesty, openness, and willingness) essentials for recovery." --Brenda Iliff, Director, Clinical Services Women's Center, Hazelden Learn new ways to be a family... "I have always felt that parenting should require a license so that all parents are equipped for the experience. Easy Does It, Mom should be required reading for those seeking a license." --Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Prescriptions for Living Recovery and parenting are your two most important jobs... "The real job in this wise and wonderful book is its deeply felt positiveness about women and mothering. This is a particularly sensitive issue for recovery women, who often carry a tremendous amount of mother guild. Easy Does It, Mom is written with great sensitivity and caring about the challenges mothers face. Women will feel affirmed by this beautifully written book." --Stephanie Covington, Ph.D., author of A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps and Awakening Your Sexuality: A Guide for Recovering Women And here's help from experts with advanced degrees and experts in the field-moms in recovery and their children... "As a mother who is in recovery, I appreciate Easy Does It, Mom, especially the journal activities. It's a book that needs to be read and then put down in order to absorb all the good ideas and support it offers." --Tina Armould, lead case manager at Women's Recovery Services

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