


The Wisdom of the Rooms, A Year of Weekly Reflections

This beautiful, 152 page book will be yours to cherish for years to come!

Author: Michael Z.
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This is a great resource for your recovery, and it offers you an inspiring and enjoyable way to explore and get the most out of your spiritual journey. People tell me reading these quotes is like attending a “mini meeting” any time during their day!

Struggling with the concept of a Higher Power? Read and work this quote, "A God small enough for me to understand wouldn't be large enough for me to trust." (Quote of the Week Thirty-Seven)

Know someone working on their 4th step? Share this quote with them: "When I did my 4th step it felt as if my life was being turned upside down -- but it was really being turned right side up." (Quote of the Week Forty-five)

Having trouble setting boundaries? Try this quote: "What other people think of me is none of my business." (Quote of the Week Seventeen)

Need a topic for your next meeting? The 52 Quotes and 312 Questions in this Book are perfect to start and facilitate a great group discussion at your next meeting!

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