



By Caroline Knapp
Trade PB
RH ISBN: 978-0-385-31554-8
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Soon after its release, Caroline Knapp's Drinking: A Love Story became one of America's most talked about bestsellers. In frank, arresting scenes, Knapp chronicles her personal battle with alcoholism, a dangerous seduction begun when she was just fourteen years old. As she pieces together memories such as her father’s fame in the field of psychiatry though he could not address his own household's dysfunction, she creates a family portrait that speaks to anyone coping with a painful past, even those for whom addiction was not a factor. Tracing the patterns of secrecy and self-deception that seeped into every aspect of her life, including her volatile relationships with men, Knapp ultimately leads us through her extraordinary journey to sobriety. A memoir of healing and hope, this is a classic in its category–a true lifeline for millions of readers.

Drinking: A Love Story is an important book for anyone carrying the burden of addiction or anyone struggling to reach out to a loved one who is in jeopardy, Caroline Knapp's story delivers an unflinchingly honest, inspiring voice. The questions and discussion topics that follow are intended to enhance your reading of Caroline Knapp's Drinking: A Love Story. We hope they will enrich your experience of this provocative memoir.

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