

Spiritual Recovery

Spiritual Recovery

Author: Hector Elias Ph. D.

Softcover, 117 pages

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Part One - An analysis of the ancient spiritual truths set forth in the first 164 pages of the book Alcoholics Anonymous.  Why are they as effective today as when first published in 1939?  An explanation for: Spiritual principle, God’s grace, and God’s will. Living the spiritual way of life, and a discussion on the eternal mystery: Who or what is God?

Part Two - In keeping with the simplicity of the Big Book, “Most good ideas are simple" (P.62), the second part of this manual has a very simple and effective format to take a sponsee through the Twelve Steps. There is wonder, beauty, and God’s divinity inside of you.  This manual will gently guide you to live and enjoy the spiritual way of life.

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