

The Keys To The Kingdom

The Keys To The Kingdom

The Keys To The Kingdom is a series of encouraging books from author Jai Wurfbain to help inspire readers to once more feel as if they are in control of their lives and can face challenges with renewed optimism. Every book will cover a spiritual concept; the first of the series will be Hope, a book that covers the topic of finding hopefulness after loss and struggle. Each book in the series hides a physical key inside of it which acts as a reminder for the inspiring message within the book itself. Every spiritual concept covered by the series will be supported with personal stories from different individuals. Readers will find motivation through knowing that real people overcame their personal demons to enjoy lives filled with joy, love, and gratitude. These books can be either a personal gift to one’s self or a gift to give to a loved one facing troubling times. Collect all the keys – every key in the collection brings us closer to our intended purpose.
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