

A Year Of Miracles - Marianne Williamson

A Year Of Miracles - Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson, author of the bestselling classic A Return to Love and world-renowned teacher, has taught millions around the world an incredible secret: you can transform your life and the world by simply changing how you think. Our thoughts hold our destiny. In A Year of Miracles, she provides 365 reflections and devotions that offer guidance and spiritual support for following the path of love. These readings help you to remember, each day, that you are not alone, that the universe is alive and ready to shower you with help and miracles when you strive to put your best self forward. Reading these daily morsels of wisdom will help you stay focused, hopeful, and centered—and open your eyes to all the ways God wants to help and bless you. Expect a miracle every day!
hc ISBN: 550-6
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In A Year of Miracles, Marianne Williamson, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the classic A Return to Love and world-renowned teacher, offers a daily devotional that helps us develop a positive, loving mindset and encourages us to live our best selves to bring miracles into our lives.

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