


If You Leave Me, Can I Come With You?

Daily Meditations for Codependents and Al-Anons . . . with a Sense of Humor
Softcover, 400 pp.
Author: Misti B.
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"By the time I'd gotten to Al-Anon… people responded with 'Thank God,' or 'It's about time.' I wasn't a horrible person. It's not like I had buried bodies under my floorboards. I was just a little dramatic and a tiny bit controlling." –Misti B.

Most people in the throes of codependency's problematic behaviors typically don't see their plight as a laughing matter. And yet, judging by the peals of laughter often heard coming out of Twelve Step meeting rooms, many eventually do find the humor in their self-defeating thoughts and actions.

If You Leave Me, Can I Come with You? is full of refreshingly original meditations for each day of the year. Infusing her wisdom with self-revealing honesty and humor, Misti B. provides healing insight with a lighthearted touch into the common struggles that codependents and those in Al-Anon frequently face. Issues such as people pleasing, lack of boundaries, and perfectionism don't have to overwhelm us if we work a solid Twelve Step program and learn not to take ourselves so seriously. Misti B. shows how to do both, delivering the right mix of support, inspiration, and healthy irreverence.

Misti B. is a writer, producer, and seasoned traveler on the arduous road of recovery.

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