


The Circle Of Fire

A Communion With Our Creator - Softcover, 128 pages - Author: Don Miguel Ruiz
Formely known as "Prayers" book
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To pray is an act of power because it is an agreement between the human and the divine, and we invest our faith in that agreement. Through our faith, we gain the courage to take action, and through action, we move one step closer toward the manifestation of our desires. From the Introduction

In his first book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz touched the lives of millions of people with four simple principles for life transformation. In his second book, The Mastery of Love, he used stories to illustrate some of the ways in which emotional wounds stemming from childhood undermine our ability to love. Both books end with a chapter called "Prayers." Now in this beautiful slender volume, Miguel Ruiz offers a selection of prayers, guided mediations, and inspiration on such topics as Truth, Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, and Inner Silence. Just as Miguel begins his lectures with a prayer or meditation to invoke a receptive frame of mind, the intent of this book is to guide the reader to experience a silent communion with our Creator.

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