


A Man's Way Through Relationships

Learning to Love and Be Loved
Author: Dan Griffin, MA
228 pages.
CRP SKU: 978-1-937612665
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Author Dan Griffin's essential guide presents a holistic approach to strengthening men's relationships from the perspectives of spouse/primary partner, friend, father, and son. The book focuses on three core areas of relationships: self, others, and Higher Power/God, and offers readers the opportunity to complete exercises pertaining to each area. Griffin provides practical advice and inspiration for men to define their own sense of masculinity and thus heighten their potential for a lifetime of recovery-oriented relationships. The author has worked in the mental health and addiction field for two decades and is recognized as a leading expert on gender-responsive treatment services for men. Griffin's previous book, A Man’s Way through the Twelve Steps, was published by Hazelden in 2009. He is in long-term recovery.

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